Building a creative dream life is not just about achieving, succeeding, or "meeting goals." It is also about floundering, stumbling, tripping and failing. "
Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy (SARK)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Michael W Smith- I Surrender All

I give it all to you Lord ...

I know I can't do it on my own anymore.
so many struggles
I realize now that I don't have the answers.

Lord, I give you

Lord, I give you

Lord, I give you

Lord, I give you

Lord, I give you
My weight issues

Lord, I give you
my money problems

Lord, I give you
my loneliness

Lord, I give you
my anger

Lord, I give you
my lack of forgiveness
I am willing to forgive teach me how

Lord, I give you my fears...

Lord, I give you my tears...

Lord, I give you my heart

I am a slow learner in this regard ... it is hard to let go
Please Lord teach me to let go
Send me lessons
Send me reminders
Send me your love


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