Building a creative dream life is not just about achieving, succeeding, or "meeting goals." It is also about floundering, stumbling, tripping and failing. "
Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy (SARK)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sark ....

I really like what she has to say... I began a workshop last month. I did the first two days of a 30 day "adventure" and then stopped ... why?
Am I afraid of what I will discover about myself?
Am I afraid to become happy? satisfied? joyful?
Was it too hard to find the time?
What in the heck is wrong with me?
Good gosh ...
I need to take charge, but how?
I love me?
I don't love me?
I love parts of me?
I hate parts of me?
I love all of me?
What is it?
I want joy in my life. I want peace in my life. I want peace in my life. I want life in my life.
Okay excuses ...
1) no time
2)no energy
3)no money
4)... hmmm
is that all ...

1 comment:

nicoleb1968 said...

Boundaries ...
Day number 3 was all about boundaries ... very interesting.
I have lived a life where my boundaries have always been crossed. I was raised by an unstable mother who really has no concept of what boundaries are.
My first relationship was with a verbally, emotionally, and physically abusive man.
My second was with a controlling and emotionally abusive man.
I allowed my boundaries to be crossed.
... and so now I have huge walls. I can't go there again. I'm afraid.
How do I create healthy boundaries but allow love in?